Saturday, June 1, 2013

Well howdy folks it has been a few months since I posted. I hope to keep up better with at least posting a little something at least once a week but I am not going to granted it. Lets see whats been up since October. The beginning of the year I went to a Christian conference with the young adult group at our church in Atlanta, GA it was the 1-4 of January it was one of the best experiences I have ever had. I plan on posting on the whole trip soon hopefully. I started to post on it a while back and got half way though it and my computer acted up and I had lost everything I had done except one paragraph so anyways be looking out for that soon. While I was out of town on the 3 of January while at the stadium where the conference was I was in what everyone calls the nosebleed seats and I couldn't seat that high up I felt like I was going to fall all the way to the ground so I let my Pastor know that I was going to the lower section. While on my way down it was dark and I missed a step and fell. Well I thought I had just stubbed my finger or fingers so I just went to the first aid area and asked if I could have a piece of tape to wrap my fingers and they looked at my hand and I got a better look at it; it had started to swell and bruise on the fingers and on my palm I know then that I had broke something, they asked if I wanted to go to the hospital and I didn't cause I was out of town and I knew that they would only put a temporary cast on it and tell me to see the ortho doc when I got home/Monday. So I enjoyed the rest of Passion even though my hand hurt like the dickens. Long story short I ended up have surgery to fix my broken 5th metacarpal/ pinkie knuckle and was off work for two months. When I returned to work I found that it had changed a lot and there was a lot of hinky stuff going on with management and such so I started looking for a new job. Over the next couple of months things gradually got worse and I felt like they were after everyone for anything no matter what but you have to work even if you don't want to cause you have bills etc. I thought to myself  I will never get out of this place, I felt stuck and I was scared course didn't say that to anyone but I was. May is here now and still no job, one of my co-workers who had put her two week notice in told me to apply to Hillandale Communities and so I did on my phone that night. couple of weeks went by and I received a call from them asking me for an interview. I was so excited but also thought this is too good to be true but I went anyways. I had my first interview, second interview and a job offer all the same day however it was part-time so I told them I had to first talk it over with my husband and see what he thinks considering i would be losing hours. So that evening I talked with Justin and he said Yes! I was so happy I couldn't wait to call the next day and tell them that I accepted the position. So did all my pre-employment stuff and regular orientation last week. then this past Thursday night was my first night in orientation on the floor. It was a wonderful night I enjoyed the person who was training me and I also loved the computer system they us for charting its a lot better then all the paper charting I had to do before. During the whole recent job hunt I have also decided to go back to school for my RN and if all goes well I will hopefully be starting in July. Well that's the jest of everything for now I may or may not go into more detail about the things above except for the conference in which I will post on it when i get it completed. till next time folks

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

So it has been awhile since I have blogged. I now have been an LPN at a nursing home for a little over a year now. Started out on 2nd shift and now I am on 3rd shift. I really enjoy working at The Anderson I have learned a lot and still have a lot to learn. My older but younger brother is currently living with us now trying to get a new start in a new location. I have one more day left till I am on vacation can't wait to be on the beach :).

Monday, March 28, 2011

well been busy with school only have 6 more weeks till my last day :) can't wait to get a life back with no studying i will have so much more energy to do all the things i want to do :) Life is going to be different though cause i won't have a schedule till i take my boards :) but it could be a good thing though...hope all of you all are doing well!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Started shaving our dog today and got about have way done, but will be another long day tomorrow to try and finish her up..She seems to be feeling a little bit better :)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Isn't this picture cute? What if we all acted as a child who always wants there daddy? Everyone in the world would be saved and a Christian because God is the best father anyone could ask for. Yes, we have our earthly parents down here on earth, but God can be all those things our earthly father is and more. God will never leave nor forsake you, but our earthly father may. I want to be like a child and run to father every single time i have question, need someone to lean on, to trust, to hug or to be hugged and etc. and our heavenly father is the best one for all those things. I am so blessed to have a stepfather who loves me and cares for me, but i am truly blessed with a heavenly father who will do all things that is according to His will.

Friday, February 18, 2011

This is the way we should want it to be to go light the world with our candle to share God's word with all and not to hold back just because someone is in the darkness those are the people who need our candle and God's word to make it though so they could someday have there candle light and share God's word too...Where one or two are gathered there may I also be.....Just think if we shared God's word to one person and then they shared God's word to one person and so on eventally the whole wolrd would be lit if everyone who we shared the word with would come to Christ...Our wolrd would be so much better off then what it is now.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I am cleaning today for once lol its been a month or so since i have cleaned due to me hurting but my hubby has helped and cleaned he is so great i love him to death. I am glad he understands :) well back to cleaning hopefully i can do a better job at keeping it clean so its not so hard to keep it clean.