Saturday, June 1, 2013

Well howdy folks it has been a few months since I posted. I hope to keep up better with at least posting a little something at least once a week but I am not going to granted it. Lets see whats been up since October. The beginning of the year I went to a Christian conference with the young adult group at our church in Atlanta, GA it was the 1-4 of January it was one of the best experiences I have ever had. I plan on posting on the whole trip soon hopefully. I started to post on it a while back and got half way though it and my computer acted up and I had lost everything I had done except one paragraph so anyways be looking out for that soon. While I was out of town on the 3 of January while at the stadium where the conference was I was in what everyone calls the nosebleed seats and I couldn't seat that high up I felt like I was going to fall all the way to the ground so I let my Pastor know that I was going to the lower section. While on my way down it was dark and I missed a step and fell. Well I thought I had just stubbed my finger or fingers so I just went to the first aid area and asked if I could have a piece of tape to wrap my fingers and they looked at my hand and I got a better look at it; it had started to swell and bruise on the fingers and on my palm I know then that I had broke something, they asked if I wanted to go to the hospital and I didn't cause I was out of town and I knew that they would only put a temporary cast on it and tell me to see the ortho doc when I got home/Monday. So I enjoyed the rest of Passion even though my hand hurt like the dickens. Long story short I ended up have surgery to fix my broken 5th metacarpal/ pinkie knuckle and was off work for two months. When I returned to work I found that it had changed a lot and there was a lot of hinky stuff going on with management and such so I started looking for a new job. Over the next couple of months things gradually got worse and I felt like they were after everyone for anything no matter what but you have to work even if you don't want to cause you have bills etc. I thought to myself  I will never get out of this place, I felt stuck and I was scared course didn't say that to anyone but I was. May is here now and still no job, one of my co-workers who had put her two week notice in told me to apply to Hillandale Communities and so I did on my phone that night. couple of weeks went by and I received a call from them asking me for an interview. I was so excited but also thought this is too good to be true but I went anyways. I had my first interview, second interview and a job offer all the same day however it was part-time so I told them I had to first talk it over with my husband and see what he thinks considering i would be losing hours. So that evening I talked with Justin and he said Yes! I was so happy I couldn't wait to call the next day and tell them that I accepted the position. So did all my pre-employment stuff and regular orientation last week. then this past Thursday night was my first night in orientation on the floor. It was a wonderful night I enjoyed the person who was training me and I also loved the computer system they us for charting its a lot better then all the paper charting I had to do before. During the whole recent job hunt I have also decided to go back to school for my RN and if all goes well I will hopefully be starting in July. Well that's the jest of everything for now I may or may not go into more detail about the things above except for the conference in which I will post on it when i get it completed. till next time folks

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